5 Ways to Get Healthier Instantly

5 Ways to Get Healthier Instantly

The world is awash in information about health, so I will keep this short and to the point.

One thing we can say for sure is that we, as a species, have not mastered health.  Despite the claims of some, we don’t have all the answers.  Often we see conflicting opinions from equally qualified authorities.  There is so much information out there about health, yet none of it is successful for everyone.  We are each unique and react differently.

It is also clear that many people are too narrowly focused on diet as the source of health.  There is so much more to being healthy than what you eat.  Yes, it is important and plays a large role in our health but it is far from everything.  You can have the best diet in the world and not be healthy.

Fortunately, there are some things which are universally beneficial and healthy and don’t require you to purchase or acquire anything.  So, to help you to tap into the other sources of health besides food, here are 5 ways to get healthier instantly.  And these sources of vibrant health are yours for the using, any time, any place.

1. Smile

One of the easiest and most effective ways to positively change the chemistry of your body is to smile.  Study after study shows the enormous benefits of smiling and laughter.  It is one of the easiest control switches we have at our disposal.  And it really is that simple: just smile.  Do it again and again and it will become a habit.  Create the habit of smiling and you program your brain to feel happy.

2. Take a Slow, Deep Breath

Oxygen is clearly more crucial to our health than food or even water.  You can live for weeks without food and days without water.  But you can only survive minutes without oxygen.

Your lungs fill up your ribcage, but many people never breathe deeply and the extremities of their lungs go unused.  In fact, it has been found that lung tissue, if not used, will die off and this will decrease your lung capacity.  This decreases the amount of oxygen which you can get into your blood.

Getting oxygen to your blood is about as important as it gets for health.  The physical, emotional and mental benefits are extremely well documented.  One slow, deep breath can dramatically increase the vitality of your bloodstream.  Imagine what 5 or 10 deep breaths could do.  It is of the utmost importance to your health that you understand the power of breath.

3. Stand Up Straight

Again, the amount of research supporting the immense benefits of a good posture is staggering.  By standing or sitting up straight you significantly increase your lung capacity, help the flow of blood and lymph through your body, maintain a healthy spine and minimize all sorts of aches and pains.

In addition, research shows that having a good posture will actually change your body chemistry within minutes.  When standing up straight, you decrease cortisol (which makes you stressed and nervous) and increase testosterone (which makes you feel strong and confident).  By changing your posture, you can significantly change your health and change your mood.

4. Scan for Stress

If modern medicine can agree on anything, it is that stress is one of the great (if not the great) cause of disease, pain and discomfort.  Stress is a natural and instinctual reaction and is sometimes useful.  However, consistent and prolonged stress wears down your body and mind, just as stress on a car causes wear and tear.

Tight muscles restrict the flow of blood and lymph (your immune system) and cause all sorts of obstructions and blockages.  Again and again, studies show the deteriorating effects of stress on the body and we are beginning to comprehend how it destroys the mind as well.

An incredibly easy way to keep stress at bay (besides taking deep breaths) is to scan your body, from head to toe and check to see where you are unnecessarily tightening the muscles.  If so, consciously relax them.

At first this may be difficult, because you may have been subconsciously flexing a muscle for months or even years.  But persistence will create the new habit of relaxation and greater health.

5. Think and Feel Good

Thoughts and emotions are the source of your attitude and your experience.  Positive thoughts have a positive effect on the body and negative thoughts do the opposite.  Thought creates habit and solidifies in your body.  Thought is the true foundation of your health.

The more we study our mind the more we come to realize that we have the ability to be in charge of what goes on within us.  With a bit of practice, we can learn to direct and control our minds.  And when we learn how to do this, we can control our thoughts and our moods to a great extent.  Our attitude determines our experience.  And we can control our attitude.  Again, just like every other habit in life, it takes practice.

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