Submission Guidelines

Anyone, of any age, from anywhere can submit an original post (not previously published anywhere online) with a brief biography for inclusion on the Completed Thoughts blog.


Why Contribute a Post to Completed Thoughts?

  • You can receive exposure for yourself and your site.  Featuring your writing on Completed Thoughts, and including a bio with links to your site, can increase traffic and subscribers.
  • Contribute to a noble cause.  The purpose of this site is to help create a better life and world for us all.  See the about page for more details.


Writing Guidelines

  • Keep your post between 750-1500 words
  • Provide original honest work – meaning your post has never before been published anywhere, including your own blog, and does not include anything taken from a something previously published.
  • Avoid non-universal topics (such as gender specific, a specific religion, maintaining a blog/business).
  • Reserve self-promotion to your biography.  No marketing or advertising directly in the post.
  • Personal stories are highly encouraged.
  • Offer useful information which can help readers address the challenges of life.
  • Please note that I may make alterations in a post (only after notifying you).


How To Submit Your Writing

  • Send your original post in Microsoft Word format, including your bio at the end of the post.
  • Use the contact form to upload your post submission.  Please write “Blog Submission” as the subject.

I will respond to every submission personally.  Please understand that it may take a few days or weeks before you hear back from me.  I may send your post back with questions/comments to expand in parts, and I may edit it/change the title before publishing on the site.

Thank you for sharing and spreading your slice of joy and happiness!