How I Transformed My Life In One Day

Millions of people have experienced the power of James Allen’s book “As A Man Thinketh”.  It has been cited by generations of prosperity and success authors and has touched hearts for over a century.  In this incredible short classic (which is in the public domain and is available on youtube here) there is a quote … Read more

How to Find Your Dream Job? It May Be Closer Than You Think

I have noticed that there is an awful lot of websites out there which seek to help you to discover your passion and to figure out how to find your dream job.  For most people, it is a struggle to figure this out, myself included.  For most of my life, I have wondered about and investigated many different career … Read more

How to Find Peace and Wisdom

Step back, for a while, from everything outside you, from that which is external, from the comings and goings of the world, from the desires of the senses, from the disturbance of the intellect, and excuse yourself to the innermost space of your Mind.  There you will find yourself liberated from the distracting intrusion of … Read more